Saturday, January 1, 2011

Musings on the New Year

Just a few thoughts for 2011:
Strive to be happy.
Search for beauty and you will find it.
Make yourself useful to others, whether they are aware of it or not.
Learn at least one new skill.
Don't judge others too harshly.

All that being said, I try not to make resolutions, because they are invariably broken, so why start with failure? But you can always try to improve yourself and your work. Strive to do better in the things which matter most, and let some of the less important things go. There is no such thing as perfection.
I'm sitting at the computer on a cold rainy day, and am quite happy with this weather, when I see that so many others are suffering because of it, from the east and west coasts of the U.S. to the south east of Australia, where they are having terrible floods. So I will gladly settle for a little rain here! I have some Celtic music playing, one of the many Christmas albums I have which are Highland, Scottish, Celtic or what have you. They tend to be a bit New Age-y, but that's very calming right now. I have foregone watching the Tournament of Roses parade from Pasadena, because one of my non-resolutions is to spend less time in front of the TV. we'll just see how long that one lasts! (As I said....) I have told myself that I can't watch any more re-runs, which should be useful. I do love my TV, don't get me wrong, but how many times much I watch the same episode of Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares? Once should be plenty.
I spent yesterday at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga, with my trusty camera, and came away with a few good shots, out of more than 150. That's what editing is for, and there is at least one photo of some fern leaves which will undoubtedly make its way into a quilt.
I will sit down with the sewing machine today, if only for a short while, because if I can't sew on a cold and rainy day, when can I?
So, one more cup of tea, and a bit of Christmas pudding, and a-quilting I will go!
Happy New Year!

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