Sunday, January 2, 2011

Perfection? Not from me!

There are some quilters who purposely put a mistake into their quilts, by turning a block the wrong way or some such, but really, do they think that their work is so perfect? Not me. I strive to do the very best work that I can, but there will always be a seam that doesn't  quite match, or a point which is cut off, or something which isn't quite right. In the end none of that really matters to me.If you look at vintage quilts, you will find that most of them are less than perfect, and that's what often gives them their charm. This is folk art, after all, not some mass produced piece of perfection. When I'm piecing, and I can't get a seam allowance to match the way I want it to, I will rip it out once or twice, no more than that. There are some who would advocate throwing out a block at that point, but that's very wasteful in my eyes. Better to just include it in the quilt with the thought that that's just the way it's going to be.And I do not worry about the Quilt Police! Most quilts will not be going into a juried show, and it takes the fun out if you worry about every little detail.
With all that having been said, I did once rip out a block from a quilt which was turned the wrong way.  (I think I even had the binding on at this point) I hadn't noticed it until the very end, and I thought of leaving it in to see if anyone would notice, but it would have driven me crazy, I think, to leave it in.

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