Thursday, January 6, 2011

Working through the pain. Is it worth it?

Many times we quilters (and other hobbyists, I'm sure) keep working on a project, even though this may be causing us some kind of physical pain, whether it's a sore back, stiff hands, aching neck or something else.Is it really worth it? If we're trying to meet some kind of deadline it may seem so.But I think it's so important to listen to your body, and to take clues from it. When I was doing production sewing, working eight hours a day behind a sewing machine, there was almost always neck pain involved. This was in spite of the fact that I took great care with my posture, and didn't "hunch" over the machine. As someone who quilts for an enjoyable hobby, I don't see the point of continuing on if something is hurting.This is your body's way of telling you to take a rest, get up, do something else for a bit of a break. We can try to make sure that our workspaces are the very best ergonomically-speaking, but working for hours at one task can sometimes take its toll. We are almost always able to switch tasks (get up from the machine for some cutting or pressing, do some hand sewing sitting on the couch, etc.) or even stop completely and go outside for a walk.I don't think it's worth doing possible long-term or even permanent damage just to finish a quilt.
And while I'm on the subject, be sure to take very good care of your eyes. What a great and complex thing our vision is! I came very close to losing the vision in one eye, and am so thankful that I was able to have the very best care and can see clearly once more. Thanks Dr. Kim!

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