Monday, January 24, 2011

The importance of contrast

Low contrast
High contrast

I have written before about the differences between high and low contrast in a quilt block. This is the first element of a design which the human eye will see.As you will notice from the two pictures, the design element of the block is somewhat lost in the low contrast square.You can barely see the star! I purposely did this on a quilt currently in progress, to mimic some of the elements I've seen in older quilts. Many times women would use whatever fabric was on hand, and may have had some limited choices. Today we just tend to run out to the local quilt shop, or to really plan each fabric in a quilt, but our ancestresses didn't always have that luxury.
A good understanding of the many elements of design is important to be able to produce a striking quilt. Quilt blocks need't be complicated, but thoughtful use of color and composition can make or break a quilt.
This doesn't mean that every quilt must have high contrast to be successful. It is just one thing to take into account, among many.

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