Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Lamington story

Lamingtons are an Australian dessert, made of small squares of yellow cake coated in chocolate frosting and rolled in coconut. I had a chance to take a quilting class from the well-known Australian quilter, Pam Holland, and decided to take some lamingtons to the class as a snack. I had never made them before, but how hard could it be? I made the cake from a mix, and cut up the squares. Easy enough. Rolling them in the runny chocolate frosting (icing in Aussie-speak) and dipping them in the shredded coconut was another matter altogether, but after a rather delicious mess, I had them all done.
Imagine my dismay when Pam mentioned something about a bread allergy. Oh, no, I thought, she can't have them! I was so relieved when she spotted the plate at class the next day and said, "Oooh. Lamingtons!"
I believe most Australian women these days buy theirs and do not make them at home.

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