Friday, January 28, 2011


I  set deadlines for myself, as you sometimes must, when making a quilt. Perhaps you're entering a quilt show, or are making a birthday quilt, or a wedding quilt.  I hate to admit, that sometimes I don't meet those deadlines, and have been known to give an unfinished quilt for a gift, to be completed later. I'ts important to set realistic goals, but it may be just as important to set one's goals a little higher, with a greater expectation for what can be accomplished in a given amount of time. By that I mean you might want to tell yourself that a quilt must be done by the first of the month, rather than the fifteenth. This will give you a little leeway, and there always seems to be some kind of issue which comes up in order to finish a quilt, and stitches to be ripped out, or a block fixed, or some such.
And of course, it's important to have balance in your life, between work, family and friends, as well as being good to yourself.
And if I'm making a quilt for myself, it always takes so much longer! Sometimes years.

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