Friday, January 7, 2011

Letting your inner child pick out your fabric

I try to stay in close touch with my inner child, and let her loose sometimes when I'm picking out fabrics for a quilt . I just set that little seven or eight-year-old loose and let her have her own way."Oooh, look! This is pretty!" she'll say, and then she will put this one with that one, and I can usually get a very sweet look from her choices. Usually it will be some kind of pastel florals, or sometimes it's a bit brighter, but she really does have pretty good instincts.The fabrics in my previously mentioned Sunbonnet Sue quilt were picked out by me, but the combinations in each block were put together by her. I tried to stick to Depression era colors, and of course with a bubble gum pink for the sashing and borders the sweetness really did have a chance to shine.
I also let the inner child pick out the fabrics for the winter quilt I'm currently working on. (Title still to be decided.) The fabrics are few, but simple, with black, a rich pale blue and a turquoise print.And the little girl in me picked out a bright fuchsia print for the binding. Wow! I promise to let you have a look at it very soon.

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