Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Red and Green

New York Beauty detail

As I've mentioned previously, I love red and green quilts. I have no idea why I'm so attracted to them, but of course I'm not the only one.Red and green quilts were at the height of their popularity during the last half of the 19th century.They were invariably applique, and were mostly kept as best quilts, reserved for guests. Part of the reason for the rise in the use of these two colors was the advent of new and better dyes. My own red and green quilts are pieced. I haven't got much patience for the time-consuming applique, and I don't like to start a project if I don't think I'll finish .(I still have an applique Bicentennial quilt begun in 1976, of which I completed exactly two blocks!) This is a version of New York Beauty, with which I'm madly in love, and never tire of looking at. It was foundation pieced, and not at all difficult to make. In the detail photo, you can see that I used up the scraps from other blocks to create the one on the right. I feel as if this quilt is very strong, composition-wise, and your eye moves around and through the piece, without resting on any one place for too long.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My error, deleting the comment inadvertently. I love the detail, but wouldn't have the patience to do all those intricate, tiny pieces. My one attempt was applique, the style in the area from which I come, and I don't have the patience for it.
