Monday, July 4, 2011

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth!

I know I haven't posted in months. As John Lennon famously said in one of his songs, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans." I stopped writing during the illness of a family member, during which time I also received notice that I would have to be moving from the place I have lived for nearly eight years. And a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, Happy Fourth of July to anyone reading this the first Monday of July. It's always been one of my very favorite holidays, and this one will be a scorcher!
Oh yes, the person who was ill is doing just fine now, so that's good, and there has also been a wedding in the family. Said wedding resulted in the bride becoming the owner of a Bernina as a gift from her groom. I couldn't be happier for her.
Anyway this was just a short  post to stay in touch, and for those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, have a wonderful summer. To those of you down in the southern regions, try to stay warm!

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