Wednesday, July 6, 2011

New Things

As I mentioned, I have recently moved. I didn't have to go too far from my old place, so the neighborhood is still familiar. I'm living with relatives for the time being and of course there are always challenges with that! I've put many of my belongings into storage, except, of course for the Bernina. More on that later.
But one of the things I really love is being able to hear a mockingbird singing in the mornings, something I've been missing for many years. He's quite a cheerful little fellow, and I can often see him on a lamp post, or flying through the yard. If you're not familiar with mockingbirds they are a species which will sing a series of changing songs seemingly endlessly. The males do this to attract a mate, and will often sing late at night, although perhaps the lady mockingbirds don't appreciate this so much. They are a medium-sized grey bird, and when they fly by you can see a white stripe on their wings. They can be quite fierce too, and I have often seen them defending their nests against much larger crows.
We all have daily challenges in our lives, and seeing and hearing even a tiny bit of beauty can only help lighten our load, if only a little.

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