Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Quilts as a tool for healing

Quilting and quilts can be a powerful tool for healing. We can make and give quilts to those who have suffered a loss, and we can also benefit from the very actions of sewing and planning a quilt to help ourselves in times of need. Hand piecing can be done simply while waiting in a hospital or doctor's office, when some quiet work and reflection can help to reduce feelings of anxiety or sorrow. As someone who favors the sewing machine for most of my work, I still do love to be able to sit and hand piece quilt squares. It's amazing how much you can get done in a relatively short amount of time.
Making and giving a quilt can be a way to deal with feelings of helplessness during times of crisis.
The pictures I'm showing here are of a quilt called "Ode to Oz", which was sent to help with Australian bushfire relief a few years ago. It wasn't hand pieced, but made rather quickly, to be sent overseas.

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