Monday, December 27, 2010

This is my very first post, so please join me, won't you? I will be writing about quilting, hence the name for my blog, which is taken from a Scottish bagpipe tune, called The Kilt is my Delight, and more about that later.

I intend to write about quilting, and to include some tricks and tips I've picked up along the way, and which I intend to share with you my soon to be loyal (I hope!) readers.

A little bit about myself; I've been quilting for over forty years. I started as a young girl, when my Aunt Evie, cousin Beth and I used to attend a quilting group in the Santa Clara Valley. This was in the sixties, and quilting groups were few and far between at the time. Beth and I were allowed to go to the meetings in the summertime, and I'm sure we both felt very grown up to be hanging out with the adult ladies.I was helped to make a pattern for a Bow Tie quilt, and to make some blocks (by hand, of course!). I chose the Bow Tie, because my great-grandmother, Sarah Anne Killingsworth Woodard had made the very same pattern as a quilt for my dad when he was a baby, which would have been in the early 1920's.

I don't know whatever happened to those first blocks of mine, or if they ever got joined together into a quilt top. I expect they went the way of so many other quilt blocks, and ended up in a shoebox somewhere. I also made a very crude doll quilt, which I can still see in my mind's eye. These quilt blocks would have all been made from fabric which was left over from the garments my mother sewed for her family. The idea of purchasing fabric specifically for a quilt was quite foreign to us at the time.

I consider myself mostly a traditional quilter, although I have recently acquired a new digital camera, and intend to start printing photos onto fabric. I have long considered turning to becoming an art quilter, but after having seen a fabulous collection of Amish quilts at the De Young museum in San Francisco this past summer, I can see that tradional quilts are quite beautiful art themselves. My goal is to make something beautiful, which is an expression of myself, and also to make practical quilts to keep myself and others warm!

I've found that quilting can also be great therapy, and the very act of designing and sewing can get a person through some rough times.

My current motto is I live to serve, and I hope I can be of service to you!

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